Stan Swanson - Author


Forever Zombie​
Zombies and quick-witted humor? You bet! Forever Zombie is not filled with your typical blood and gore zombie tales and even non-zombie fans will enjoy this collection. These tales will take you to a world where the existence of zombies is not just a possibility, but a fact of life. And that life after death might be much different than we have ever imagined. Consider the plight of the Grim Reaper when he descends upon the law offices of Romero, O'Bannon, Fulci & Flanders only to find his next "client" is already dead in "Every Death You Take". And who do you think might be smarter? A gang of zombie bikers or the I.Q.-impaired hillbillies in "Ozark Hicks and Zombie Chicks"? Well, that one’s a close call.
And it's all here in Forever Zombie. Think you can read just one tale before bed each night? Try two or three. Or maybe you'll still be reading the last of the stories before the sun comes up the next morning. But as an added precaution, make sure you check your pulse every once in awhile.