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Magic & Mayhem


The first book in the

Hobart Hucklebuck series is now available on Audible.

Wacky Weather

Book #3 in the

Hobart Hucklebuck series will be available this summer in paperback and Kindle.

Bailey Brown

Keep your eyes open for the first book in the Bailey Brown adventure series. Coming in the Fall of 2023.

Pandemonium in Pennywhistle

The second book in the

Hobart Hucklebuck series is now available on Audible.

Click on the link above, provide us with your email and your free Kindle book will be on the way!

Move over Harry Potter, Hobart Hucklebuck is the new kid in the world of magic!

---Francine Richert


A Remarkably Engaging Magical Tale for Early Readers

So, exciting, fun, funny, well written, touching, and very thoughtfully and carefully crafted - so, so much more than expected and very satisfying.

---An Amazon Top Reviewer


This book was a fantastic read and spoke volumes about friendship and loyalty. A wonderful middle grades book.

---Charlie Anderson

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